14 June 2009


Spotted python (Antaresia maculosa). Taken at ...Image via Wikipedia



BOOK: Wrongsized

AUTHOR: Larry Solomon

PUBLISHER: Outskirts Press, Inc.

ISBN-13: 978-1432723477

RATING: 5 stars

Wrongsized is a fantastically funny book that also gives you practical advice on how to be gainfully employed.

It's not that I couldn't put this book down, it is more like I didn't want to put this book down. I read it straight through from cover to cover laughing hilariously out loud and enjoying every minute of reading this book.

To top it all off, the book is filled with "end notes" that you have to turn to the back to find out what the author has to say. I tried not turning to the back because I was interested in what I was reading but found the little numbers nagging me. More often than not I either learned something new or had another laugh. You really do need to find out about the poisonous snake!!

After the author keeps you thoroughly entertained and at the point where he totally has your attention, he gives very practical advice on how to get a job which makes this the perfect book for anybody that is in the job market today because it gets you over the dismal feelings by laughing about it. Once you are cheered up, then you get the practical advice which is very good, useful information.

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